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Researching “Kamon”

Doing a research on "Kamon"- Japanese family crest, for the new big project. 新しいプロジェクトのために「家紋」のデザインを勉強中。これまた奥が深い。

“Kuler” for Color Chip

A great tool to inspire your concept mind through colors. 色からコンセプトワークのブレイクスルー発見に役立つツール。
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Hint for “bar 1969”

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Wall Design Progress

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Stamp Card Design

note: stamp - matt art 250g/m2(215kg), name - premium white 220g/㎡(189Kg) meishi21
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Illustration works done by my trustworthy partners. say hello to Emma, J and Champ.
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Sushi Counter Design

Designing a sushi bar with Google SketchUP.
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Demiourgia Craft Work

Demiourgia hand crafted racks fit our living room perfectly!
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Vivid Wall Color

Trying out a vivid colored wall design for the rainbow state.
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Color Chip

Thinking of vivid colors. you have to do what others don't to get a little more attention.
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Original Font

championsFont_thin championsFont_fat Completed original fonts for the new branding project.
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Renaissance Bangkok Ratchaprasong Hotel

Design with superb symbolic balance of Japanese, Chinese and Western culture.
Slice of Life

Pattaya Holiday Inn

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Demiourgia Works

A black walnut frame.
Slice of Life

Etsuji Noguchi Exhibition

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DEMIOURGIA Winter Furniture Sale

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DEMIOURGIA Furniture Market
