Hawaii 関連 - HAWAII DAYZ

Hawaii Day 2
Don't hesitate to take the first step. Let your body go with the flow.
You're at one of the few turning poi...

Hawaii Day 1
I'm back. Three years have passed since the last visit.

Surf Art “Smile of a Loco Girl”
Acrylic on paper 355×245 mm

Surf Art “Backside Wall Ride”
Acrylic on canvas 410×318 mm

In Love with Hawaii
I feel so incomplete in Japan. I guess I'm totally in love with Hawaii.

Aloha Days Day 41
Final day on our flight back to Japan. Mahalo Hawaii. We'll be back I'm promise.

Aloha Days Day 40
Saying a prayer to my ancestors in O'ahu cemetery. Owan reunion at Chiem's house.

Aloha Days Day 39
Visiting Makaha point for the first time. Land of the Buffalo.

Aloha Days Day 38
Diamond Head Cliffs became one of my favorite points during this time.

Aloha Days Day 37
Trying out the Lenard's Bakery. I'm always thinking of the way to come back.

Aloha Days Day 36
Cactus on the Diamond Heads Cliff has every bodys marking on it.

Aloha Days Day 35
Checking up the Windward CC's curriculum to do Art wok. A beautiful campus.

Aloha Days Day 34
The trip is coming to an ending. I promise myself to return every time I see the sunset.

Aloha Days Day 33
Koko Kai China Walls feels so at home. We are going to live here someday.

Aloha Days Day 32
Healing pool once again, to energize the soul. Seems like a long time ago.

Aloha Days Day 31
A view from Diamond Heads. Over looking the city we will live in the future.

Aloha Days Day 30
It's been 30 days, and I never get tired of this or home sick.

Aloha Days Day 29
Surf the Diamond Heads Cliffs. Windy but still satisfied.

Aloha Days Day 28
Swells are coming in at Diamond Heads Lighthouse. I'll dry up if I'm not in the water.