works - RESTAURANT Pepper Lunch Research ・鉄板で演出。匂いと音でシズル。 ・こどもメニューはおもちゃ付き。 ・油跳ね防止の紙でラッピング。 2011.10.15 works - RESTAURANT
creative check CONCEPTS RINATO Research at Ebisu "RINATO" at Ebisy, a very well conceptually planned restaurant & spa, targeting young fashionable women. 恵比寿のRINATO... 2011.10.14 creative check CONCEPTS
SURF Surf Art “Destiny Navigated by a Turtle” サーフアート「一匹のカメによって人生を変えられてしまった男のお話」 acrylic on paper 385 x 267 mm 2011.10.12 SURFworks - ART
CREATIVE CHECK クリエイティブCHECK | Facebook’s New “Timeline” I bet this will be used in weddings or maybe even at a funeral in the near future. いま話題のFacebookの「Timeline」。結婚式で流れたり、も... 2011.10.11 CREATIVE CHECKcreative check SOCIAL
JAPAN DAYZ A Line in the Sky I wonder what this line in the Sky is. Did anybody else see it? 2011.10.10 JAPAN DAYZ
Hawaii 関連 - HAWAII DAYZ Meeting with the Crew Planning for next Hawaii trip with the crew. 2011.10.09 Hawaii 関連 - HAWAII DAYZSlice of Life
works - ART Meeting for ALOHANA Event Meeting with Shoco, getting ready for the upcoming ALOHANA event. ショウショウと打ち合わせ、ALOHANA イベントに向け準備中。 2011.10.08 works - ART
works - CREATIVE bar 1969 Design Meeting with Mr.Kitano and Mr.Ando. マスターのウンチクが沢山詰まった「引き出し」演出。 2011.10.07 works - CREATIVE
Undefined R.I.P. Steve Jobs Steve Jobsの数々の伝説的なプレゼンがネットにアップされていますが、個人的に一番好きなのはコレ。人間万事塞翁が馬なんだなー。"Just keep looking don't settle" 2011.10.06 Undefined
works - CREATIVE Original Family Crest Design Designing an original family crest for Hakata Shogun. 2011.10.06 works - CREATIVEworks - RESTAURANT
works - CREATIVE Demiourgia “Black Walnut Living Board” New original furniture work by Demiourgia. Demiourgia の最新家具。 2011.10.05 works - CREATIVEworks - HOUSE
CREATIVE CHECK クリエイティブCHECK | Apple iPhone 4S Siri demo Apple's last nights presentation was not exactly what I had in mind, having high expectations for an iPhone5, but still ... 2011.10.05 CREATIVE CHECKcreative check TECH
CREATIVE CHECK クリエイティブCHECK | FedExの「CHANGING WORLD」ブロンズ受賞 本日のクリエイティブCHECKは、引き続きスパイクスアジア受賞作品をご紹介。 FedExの「CHANGING WORLD」デジタル部門ブロンズ受賞作品をピックアップします。個人的には、このコンテンツ結構好きです。 Fed... 2011.10.04 CREATIVE CHECKcreative check AWARDScreative check CONTENTS
works - ART Surf Art “A Classic Bottom Turn” サーフアート「クラシックボトムターン」 Acrylic on paper 355×245 mm 2011.10.04 works - ART
works - CREATIVE 野口悦士 高島屋 種子島焼き展 将来の人間国宝野口悦士氏の種子島焼き、高島屋個展が決定。 10月12日(水)から18日(火)まで。詳細はこちら。 2011.10.04 works - CREATIVE
SURF Surf Art at “ALOHANA” I will be presenting my Surf Art works at Hawaii Event "ALOHANA" held at Yokohama from Nov.11th Fri. to 13th Sun. see de... 2011.10.03 SURFworks - ART
JAPAN DAYZ Kids Soccer League 4th Week Ended up in a tie 0-0 against the No.1 team. They couldn't make it to the play-offs but doesn't matter, good job kids! 2011.10.02 JAPAN DAYZSlice of Life
JAPAN DAYZ Sports Festival Kids showing off their "Pirate Dance" at the school Sports Festival. Taisei wept after finishing 2nd in his race. Wa... 2011.10.01 JAPAN DAYZSlice of Life