

クリエイティブCHECK | Googleの「The Google Puzzle」

本日のクリエイティブCHECKでは、今年のカンヌ(SOURの「映し鏡」)でも話題になったGoogle Chromeの仕様を訴求するためのコンテンツ、Googleの「The Google Puzzle」をピックアップ。実に良く出来ています! ...
Slice of Life

New Family

First time meeting my new little niece. Such a beautiful little girl.
Slice of Life


Fireworks with the kids.

Words of “Across The Universe”

Lyrics of "Across The Universe" are so beautiful, the words flow in circles.  It's one of my importants inspirational to...
works - ART

Demiourgia Handcrafted Alphabets

「Demiourgiaの手作りアルファベット」 詳細はこちら→Demiourgia

RHC Wall Design

Takes a little more time than usual to make our creative surpass various criteria.

Surf Art “Let your mind go free and Dance”

サーフアート「体なきモノへ体を開放し、共に踊る」 acrylic on paper 385 x 267 mm
Hawaii 関連 - HAWAII DAYZ

Surf Art “Duke Kanahamoku in Gold and Color”

Acrylic on paper 355×245 mm
Slice of Life

Got to keep moving on

Doing some massive despising, getting ready for the next action. There no turning back now. The only way left is keep go...

Kayak Fishing Trial 3

This is so much harder than it looks. Still can't ge the hang of it. おもうように扱えない。シロギスをベイトにするが大物ならず。もっと沖か?
Slice of Life

Beatle Origami Charm

Stag Beatle origami charm made by my six year old son using his favorite shining papers. 息子作のお守りクワガタ。大事なキラキラ折り紙で作ってくれたみ...

Surf Art “Rainbow Tube Ride”

サーフアート「虹のチューブライド」 Acrylic on canvas 365 x 260 mm

Conceptual DVD Planning

Entering planning phase for a new type fo footage that would entertain and provide solution at the same time. BTW this G...
works - CREATIVE

Hint for “bar 1969”

Slice of Life

Hie Shrine at Akasaka

Visiting Hie Shrine to listen to my inner soul. 日枝神社で内面の声に耳を傾ける。境内は異様に涼しい。こう言う時の流れも重要。
Hawaii 関連 - HAWAII DAYZ

Restaurant Designing

Things are looking better everyday.

Swell Continue in Shonan

surf condition 6 am.
Slice of Life

Kabutomushi Hunting

Waking up a 3am, go hunting for Kabutomushi with Shingo. A very very long day for kids.

Typhoon No.9 Swell Day 4

Surf condition 7:30 am
Slice of Life

