ハワイでは、5/1の MAY DAYが LEI DAYとなって、レイやアロハで身を包み、ハワイの文化を感じる日になります。
学校ではLEI DAYのイベントが行われて、各学年がそれぞれフラを披露してくれました。
ハワイでは有名な歌手で、学校の保護者でもあるHenry Kaponoさんがオープニングの演奏をしてくれました。
娘にとっては初めてのLEI DAY。
May 1st is known as “Lei Day”, here out in Hawaii.
Kids putting on their fabulous show! Aloha!
What is “Lei Day”? ( – From Wikipedia)
Lei Day is a state-wide celebration in all of Hawai’i. The celebration begins in the morning of May first every year and continues throughout the entire day and even continues onto the next day. Lei day was established as a holiday in the year of 1929 and continues to this day. Each Hawaiian island has a different type of lei that is used for the celebration and for its people to wear. The festivities have consistently grown each year and the state of Hawai’i has had to move the location of the event. Lei day was first held in the Courts and Town Halls but has since been moved to Kapi’olani park where it is still being held today.