3.11 Live Strong

We have had an struggling year after facing the 3.11 unprecedented disaster here in Japan. Everything changed drastically. Our stereotyped preconceived minds were flushed down the drain like a little dust that had never existed. We were confronted by numerous decision making diverging points, and were forced to make significant decisions, just to make the so‐called ordinary living. And not to mention this still goes on after an year has passed.

Making decisions are especially tough when one has to change the course of one’s mind to something unfamiliar. But I have come to believe that we can not live without making decisions. We need to continuously change if you want to if you want to remain the same (although nothing always remains the same). Some of these “intuitive” decisions that we have to make in life are “Life” itself and are the only ways to multiply the speed of process in which you longer the life to be.

Live tough, live life by using every strength, knowledge, characteristics you have. Do not settle. I will live on strong for all the people who lost their lives from 3.11.

