WORKS Champion’s EXPRESS Chef Champion's EXPRESS original "Japone Sauce" is created by our award wining Chef from Japan, Hiroki Shigematsu! C... 2011.11.26 WORKSworks - RESTAURANT
works - RESTAURANT Champion’s EXPRESS OPEN! Champion's EXPRESS is open at Shirokiya Yataimura. A Black Friday Special menu with Two steaks & Three s... 2011.11.25 works - RESTAURANT
CREATIVE CHECK クリエイティブCHECK | ベネトンの「UNHATE」キャンペーン 久々の更新となってしまいましたー。 ちょっと前の話題になりますが、本日のクリエイティブCHECKは、ベネトンの「UNHATE」キャンペーンをピックアップします。 ... 2011.11.23 CREATIVE CHECKcreative check CONCEPTS
works - CREATIVE Designing Sign boards Testing logo size 60% to 80%. ロゴサイズのテスト、60%から80%へ拡大。 2011.11.22 works - CREATIVEworks - RESTAURANT
Slice of Life Hana Drawing Blue is herself, Red is me, Brown is her mother with baby. It's funny to see her older brother is smaller than her, in G... 2011.11.22 Slice of Life
works - RESTAURANT Christmas Decoration SUSHI We're getting ready for the holiday season, with a lot of original Decoration Sushi you've never seen before. Hope i... 2011.11.21 works - RESTAURANT
works - RESTAURANT Sushi Design ver.3 Doing concept designing for a new Sushi restaurant coming up next month. This one is gonna be something brand NE... 2011.11.21 works - RESTAURANT
works - RESTAURANT Sushi Project Next is the Sushi Project. Thinking about the design all day long. 次のステージ。頭の中でシミュレーション中。 2011.11.16 works - RESTAURANT
works - ART Alohana Last Day It's a real strange feeling to come back from Hawaii and head for an Hawaiian event in Japan. This event "ALOHANA" w... 2011.11.13 works - ART
SURF Surf Condition 111112-10:00 Swell hits Shonan area. But I can only sit back an watch the waves go by, cause of the pain in my back. When would this ... 2011.11.12 SURFsurf check
Hawaii 関連 - HAWAII DAYZ Hawaii Day 14 Last day Two weeks Hawaii Days has come to an end. A lot of things need to be seen, imaginations won't cover it. Have to keep tak... 2011.11.09 Hawaii 関連 - HAWAII DAYZ
Hawaii 関連 - HAWAII DAYZ Hawaii Day 13 Visit Pearlridge, larger space than imagined. This is gonna be a new start. After a Lunch meeting at Alamoana, headed fo... 2011.11.08 Hawaii 関連 - HAWAII DAYZ